18 September 2010

12 Sharp and Simple Tips to control Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the key constraint to maintain the pressure of the blood that flows.. There are so many tips to control the BP but these tips are sharp simple and everyone can follow.. I would like to hear more from you in comments.. :-)

* Beat high blood pressure on your own
* 1. Go for power walks
* 2. Breathe deeply
* 3. Pick potassium-rich produce
* 4. Read food labels for sodium
* 5. Indulge in dark chocolate
* 6. Take a supplement
* 7. Drink alcohol—but not too much
* 8. Go decaf
* 9. Take up tea
* 10. Work (a little) less
* 11. Relax with music
* 12. Seek help for snoring

Heart attacks and strokes are just two possible outcomes of damage that started years before, damage that accumulates invisibly when you live with high blood pressure. You may never experience these frightening results but the damage is being done.

Luckily, there's a 100% surefire way to prevent all these problems: lower blood pressure. It's not difficult. Doctors agree that up to 95% of hypertension cases can be treated with lifestyle changes and other natural methods. And there are a number of powerful medications, strictly as a last resort, for those rare cases that refuse to respond to nature.

Get your blood pressure checked and take immediate action if it's too high. Don't be fooled just because you feel well.