21 March 2009

Boost Your Health with A to Z Vitamins

APPLES: Apples are a first-rate source of fiber. They help lower blood pressure, help the body absorb iron from other foods, and might help prevent colds. They can also help prevent night blindness and aid in bowel elimination.

APRICOTS: They speed the healing of wounds and are good for anemia. Good when eaten raw and can be prepared in many interesting dishes.

ARTICHOKES: Artichokes contain Vitamins A and C which are good for fighting infection. They are also high in calcium and iron. ASPARAGUS: Asparagus has 35 calories per cup. Asparagus tips are high in Vitamin A and is a good blood builder.

BARLEY: Barley is a rich source of fiber and possibly inhibits the enzyme that controls cholesterol production. It is also a good source of protein and B vitamins.

BEETS: Beets have 58 calories per cup and are loaded with iron and potassium. Beets are valued for their laxative properties.

BEANS: Beans help slow down the onset of adult diabetes, lower cholesterol levels and help constipation problems. They are high in protein and are beneficial to the muscular system.

BLUEBERRIES: Blueberries are excellent weapons in the fight against yeast and urinary tract infections.

BROCCOLI: Broccoli is loaded with Vitamins A and C which helps ward off colds. Additionally, it can help prevent breast, gastric, and esophageal cancer, boost immunity, help prevent blood clots, and help wounds to heal faster. Broccoli is heart-healthy and has 40 calories per cup.

BROWN RICE: Brown rice contains Vitamin E and good quality protein. It also contains phosphorus and potassium. An excellent source of fiber, contains little fat or sodium and is easy to digest.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS: Brussels sprouts have only 56 calories per cup making it only slightly more than broccoli. They help prevent several different kinds of cancer, including breast, esophageal and gastric. Lemon juice can help remove a portion of the bitter flavor some people find offensive.

CABBAGE: Cabbage has only 17 calories per cup and it is loaded with Vitamin C. Good for the heart and fights stomach and colon cancer.

CANTALOUPE: Cantaloupes are loaded with Vitamin C. The fiber in cantaloupe helps lower the risk of colon cancer.

CARROTS: Carrots are particularly noted as a high source of beta carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A reduces the risk of several different kinds of cancer, including lung, esophageal, bladder and cancer of the larynx. At 48 calories a cup, carrots are an excellent, raw snack, full of fiber.

COLLARD GREENS: Collards are an excellent source of calcium, beta-carotene and dietary fiber. They will keep your heart healthy and are natural stomach and colon cancer fighters.

CORN: One ear of corn contains about 140 calories. It is high in magnesium and rich in carbohydrates. Good for the brain, the bowel and the nervous system.

DATES: Dates give energy for physical exercise, and they are a good source of copper. They also help heal stomach ulcers.

EGGS: Although high in cholesterol, eggs are considered by many to be excellent for the brain and nervous system. They help wounds to heal with less pain, plus they are an excellent source of protein.

FISH: fish is thought to lower the risk of heart and artery disease, as well as the risk of breast cancer. Fish oil has been shown to lessen the possibility of blood clots.

FLAXSEED: Flaxseed is helpful to those who have arthritis, asthma, migraines and some skin cancers. Helps prevent colon and breast cancer.

GARLIC: Garlic helps lower cholesterol levels and helps block the development of colon, esophageal, stomach and skin cancers. It also has beneficial effects on coagulation, which might help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. It may also help to lower blood pressure.

GINGER: Ginger has long been known to prevent stomach ulcers, to aid in preventing nausea such as motion and morning sickness, and may bring relief to arthritis sufferers.

GRAPEFRUIT: Grapefruit is packed with Vitamin C and is heart-healthy. The juice is thought to double the effect of some blood pressure drugs. In addition, grapefruit helps prevent cancer-causing agents from forming in the body.

KALE OR MUSTARD GREENS: These unique green vegetables are packed with Vitamins A and C. They help constipation problems, and help keep your heart healthy. May also help prevent blood clots, and help wounds to heal.

LENTILS: Lentils are a super source of fiber. Lentils lower cholesterol levels, help constipation problems, and help slow the onset of adult diabetes.

LEMON JUICE: Lemon juice is high in calcium and a primary source of Vitamin C, which might help prevent colds. Lemons (and tangerines) are also a good source of fiber, helping to lower the risk of colon cancer.

MOLASSES: Molasses is a good source of iron. In fact, it is the only sweetener that provides at least as many nutrients as calories.

MUSHROOMS: Although mushrooms only have 20 calories per cup, we need to be aware of the fact that they quickly absorb any oil that may be used in cooking. Mushrooms are a terrific source of Vitamin B. They increase the oxygen efficiency of the body, counteracting the effects of pollutants on the body and increasing the bodys resistance to disease.

ONIONS: Onions are low in fat and help to prevent or fight cancer. They contain substances that might prohibit blood clots, which are often a major factor in heart disease and strokes.

ORANGES AND ORANGE JUICE: Oranges have lots of Vitamin C which might help prevent colds. In addition, orange juice provides calcium to fight osteoporosis. The fiber content helps lower the risk of colon cancer, while preventing other cancer-causing agents from forming in the body.

PARSLEY: Parsley is a rich source of Vitamins A and C and has a lot of potassium and iron. It is also a natural breath freshener.

PEACHES: Peaches contain Vitamins A and E and help certain wounds and incisions to heal. A good food to eat either raw or cooked.

PEPPERS: Peppers are high in Vitamin C and help protect your heart. The ingredient capsicum which comes from peppers is currently being studied and is believed to have many health benefits. POTATOES: Potatoes are an excellent source of carbohydrate and fiber. They help relieve stomach gas and help to lower blood pressure. They are also low in calories, sodium and fat while being high in protein, Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, among other nutrients.

POULTRY: Poultry is a great low-fat source of protein and is considered to be the meat of choice by many who are on low-fat diets.

RASPBERRIES: These fruits are considered to be an excellent source of potassium. Also contains iron and Vitamin C.

RUTABAGA: Rutabagas are an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin A and niacin as well as calcium.

SKIM MILK: Skim milk provides protein and calcium without the unnecessary fat. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth and helps in the fight against osteoporosis.

SOYBEANS: The protein from soybeans lowers blood-cholesterol levels in people whose genes appear to predispose them to high cholesterol and premature heart disease. In addition, the protein from soybeans may also help to prevent the formation of gallstones, as well as slowing down the onset of adult diabetes. Soy flour is also said to reduce the risk of cancer.

SPINACH: At 28 calories per cup, spinach adds almost nothing to your waistline. However, it is known to be chock full of vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron.

WHEAT GERM: Wheat germ is another additive that is said to keep cells functioning normally. It can be used in a number of ways to enhance the flavor and taste of many other foods and drinks. May be sprinkled on and toasted for a nutty flavor.

WHOLE-WHEAT FLOUR: Whole-wheat flour is recommended as a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, iron and minerals.

WHOLE-WHEAT SPAGHETTI: This unique spaghetti is now readily available and is loaded with fiber! Also a good source of carbohydrates as well as minerals and iron.

YOGURT: Yogurt is highly recommended as a fighter of yeast infections and it is an excellent source of calcium.