30 June 2008

Look back on your acheivements

When the obstacles in the path of truth are laid low, deliverance is achieved. That is why Moksha (liberation) is something that can be won, here and now; one need not wait for the dissolution of the physical body for that. Action must not be felt as a burden, for that feeling is a sure sign indicating that it is against the grain. No action which helps your progress will weigh heavily on you. It is only when you go counter to your innermost nature that you feel it a burden. A time comes when you look back on your achievements and sigh at the futility of it all. Entrust to the Lord, before it is too late, your mind, and let Him shape it as He likes.

27 June 2008

When humanity fails

Man does not become fully human until he progresses on the spiritual path. Body, mind and spirit - these three together constitute the man. An animal is concerned primarily with looking after its bodily needs. Man is a superior being, since he has been bestowed with a mind. Cultivation of the spirit will elevate him to the Divine. The body, mind and spirit are intertwined and interdependent. Mind and body have to subserve the spirit in achieving awareness of the Divine Atma.

24 June 2008

5 Great tips to Reach your Goals

1. Set times & plan your day
Not many people are going to work well without some structure. Waking up in the morning
without any sense of direction for what needs to be done, or what you’re going to do that day is
a recipe for disaster.
Start scheduling or setting daily milestones. If you don’t work best on a “hour based plan’”such
as writing a guest article from 1PM to 2PM, set milestones for the day—one guest blog post,
two blog posts on my personal site, complete client design, etc.

2. Keep an organized to-do list
When you’re juggling half a dozen projects at once, you’re just asking for trouble by keeping a
to-do list in your head. Don’t you want to be able to sit down in the evening and have a few
worry-free hours from your workload? If you’re not keeping a to-do list somewhere other than in
your head, you’ll be heading straight for burnout.
The solution is simple. Buy a moleskin notebook or pop open TextEdit on your computer, then
spurt out all the tasks and actions you need to achieve. Don’t worry about the order, just pump
out everything that needs doing. Once these are on paper, focus on organizing them. It’ll feel
much better having a visual action list you can look at to see what needs to be done.

3. Set goals & milestones
In addition to your newly developed to-do list, start setting goals and milestones. For instance, if
you have a blog, a goal might be publishing 5 entries per week for four weeks straight, while a
milestone might be hitting 2,000 readers via your RSS feed.
Goals are very important, not enough people set them. I for one have set goals to keep me
focused, to keep me looking straight and ahead, and they are perfect to use as motivation for
something to work toward.

4. Disconnect yourself from the outside world
This falls under focusing on a single task. When you’re writing, the last thing you need is to be
distracted by Twitter messages, or emails. It disrupts your overall flow and makes starting your
piece again hard to do. On occasion, one simple email can ruin hours of your work day.
You don’t have to close your email program, practice ignoring notifications. If you hear the new
email sound ignore it, keep working, and keep in the flow.

5. Focus on a single task
Multi-tasking can be fun, and can be rewarding. You think you’re getting a lot done at once,killing two birds with one stone when all you’re really doing is dragging out both tasks longer.
Spend some time on a single task or project and focus. Don’t try to write an article while also
dealing with marketing related emails. Keep them separate. When you’re doing, one ignore the
other—allowing you to work more quickly and efficiently in the long run.

23 June 2008

God is One

Man suffers from numerous ills because he has not understood the purpose of life. The first thing he has to realize is that God is one, by whatever name and in whatever form the Divine is worshipped. The One chose to become the many. The Vedas declare, "God is one; the wise hail Him by many names". It is the imagination of the observers which accounts for the apparent multiplicity of the Divine. The sun is only one, but its reflection appears in many vessels. Likewise, God is present in the hearts of different beings in varied forms and natures.

21 June 2008

No Man - No God

Without the sanction of the Lord, man cannot achieve anything in the world.
The Divine is the basis for everything. Man, however, is filled with conceit that he is the one who is doing everything. This pride is the cause of his ruin.
It is the cause of his frustration and disappointment. Man today is basing his life on reliance on Nature and is hence forgetting God.
This is a grievous mistake. You must place your faith in God, the Creator of the universe, and then enjoy what Nature provides. Faith in God is the primary requisite for man

Faith in God

Without the sanction of the Lord, man cannot achieve anything in the world. The Divine is the basis for everything. Man, however, is filled with conceit that he is the one who is doing everything. This pride is the cause of his ruin. It is the cause of his frustration and disappointment. Man today is basing his life on reliance on Nature and is hence forgetting God. This is a grievous mistake. You must place your faith in God, the Creator of the universe, and then enjoy what Nature provides. Faith in God is the primary requisite for man

17 June 2008

Control your senses

One may say, "I am striving to control the mind but it runs about like a mad dog. How am I to succeed?" Therein lies a mistake. The mind is intangible, but, it is attached to the senses. Hence, control the senses; let them not draw you into the objective world. By this means, the mind can be made an instrument of illumination and not of delusion. The truth will then dawn that this Atma (individual soul) is Brahman (God). The splendour of this awareness will drive away the darkness of ignorance, for, the Atma (Self) is jyothi (light) and there can be no Thamas (darkness of ignorance) where there is light.

07 June 2008

Idea - Put it on the paper.

" A good thing to give a person is a useful idea."

" New Ideas are the enemies of old ideas."

" Great minds discuss ideas;
mediocre minds discuss events;
small minds discuss people."

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea--
if it's the only one you have."

" Good ideas dont keep;
you must do something with them--

" An idea isn't worth much unless
a person has the energy and the ability
to make it work"

Hypnosis - Yourself

With every breath you take, think that you are inhaling energy. Practice this exercise: Bend forward and exhale, then slowly raise your upper body, inhaling. Finally, stretch your hands high above the head.

Feel the energy slowly fill your body from your toes to the very tips of your fingers.

Develop the dynamic faith. It isn't enough memory to believe in a Higher Power, Passively. Offer yourself with all the trust that is in you, that you be allowed to serve as an instrument of that power.

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